Community Cats Caretaker Application

Community Cats Assistance Request Form

Complete this form to request assistance with trapping feral and community cats. Please note that our Community Cats Program is a resource, not a rescue, and we will not remove cats from your property.

We currently assist colony caretakers and property owners in the follwing zip codes only: 30083, 30087, 30088. If the colony is outside these zip codes, please email us for additional resources.

If you have any questions before completing the application, email us at or call 678-534-3483. Please fill out the below application and hit submit.

I, the undersigned below, understand that Atlanta Animal Rescue Friends (AARF) provides assistance with TNR when staff and volunteer availability and funds allow. AARF is not responsible for injury to community cats or damage to the above location during the process of trapping and releasing. I also agree that any cats trapped at the above location will be allowed to return to the property and will be safetly and humanely cared for after release, including providing adequate food and shelter.